Cooperative Studies of the Earth's Deep Interior (CSEDI)
CSEDI is a National Science Foundation Program in EAR related to research on Earth's Deep Interior
The program call is available here
The deadline for full proposals is the fourth Monday in September annually.
CSEDI is also a community initiative for discussion of broad plans related to deep earth research.
Links to CSEDI Science Plans and related programs are provided below.

In January 2015 a
workshop was held at Scripps Institution of Oceanography to develop an updated CSEDI science plan.
The report from that workshop is available here.

CSEDI 2004 -
Developments, Discoveries, Future
This report was the result of a workshop held at UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA in 2004. Thanks to the many individuals who provided material and thoughtful comments on the resulting report, CSEDI 2004 -
Developments, Discoveries, Future, which was published in September 2004. You can download the pdf document here.
The 2004 plan was an update on the original initiative produced in 1993 and available as a
pdf document here.
Other Programs and Activities Related to Earth's Deep Interior
The COnsortium
for M aterials
P roperties R esearch in E arth
S ciences (COMPRES) is a community-based consortium whose goal is to enable Earth Science researchers to conduct the next generation of high-pressure science on world-class equipment and facilities. It facilitates the operation of beam lines, the development of new technologies for high pressure research, and advocates for science and educational programs to the various funding agencies.

National Science Foundation Cooperative Studies of Earth's Deep Interior (CSEDI).
Funding will support basic research on the character and dynamics of the Earth's mantle and core, their influence on the evolution of the Earth as a whole, and on processes operating within the deep interior that affect or are expressed on the Earth's surface.
Recent CSEDI Awards are listed here
American Geophysical Union has a variety of activities related to deep
earth research, including focus groups on Studies of
Earth's Deep
Interior and Mineral
and Rock Physics.

The goals of the Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research (CIDER-II) are: (1) To provide an optimal environment for transformative studies requiring a concerted effort of leading researchers from different areas of Earth Sciences: high pressure material science, geodynamics, seismology, geochemistry and geomagnetism, and (2) to educate a new generation of Earth scientists with breadth of competence across the disciplines contributing to understanding of the deep earth. The ultimate goal of CIDER is to develop an integrative conceptual model drawing upon all contributing disciplines to understand the origin, evolution, and dynamics of the Earth and, by extension, other planets.
is an international scientific organization dedicated to the
Study of the Earth's Deep Interior. The
ultimate goal of SEDI is an enhanced understanding of the past
and current thermal, dynamical and chemical state of the Earth's deep
interior and of the effect that the interior has on the structures and
processes observed at the surface of the Earth. SEDI is a Union
Committee of the International Union
of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG).
Comments on this web page? Send them to: csedi (at)